
Practice Building
I have successfully owned and operated my private practice since April, 2001. In December, 2004, I moved to a larger office and was able to bring my husband into the practice as the Office Manager. In June, 2007, we stopped taking any new managed care patients, beginning the conversion of our practice to a full-fee, fee-for-service practice. We have done this all without business loans, incurring debt, or specifically paying for advertising although our marketing budget is huge. We so enjoy working with our clients without the constraints of managed care limitations that we also enjoy teaching other clinicians how to do the same. If you are considering opening your own private practice, or would like to upgrade the private practice you already have, we would be happy to coach you in how to do so. Earn more, work less. Spend more time with your clients and less time with your computer, on the phone, or filling out forms!

Career Development
Interested in a career in psychology, counseling, or family therapy, but not sure which path (if any) to take? Gather some clarity before investing thousands of dollars and hours into classes, training, textbooks, practicum, or internship. Meeting with academic advisors is great, but they may have ulterior motives. Come get the straight scoop from someone who doesn’t stand to lose or gain from your decisions.

Performance Enhancement
You don’t have to be mentally ill or facing some sort of family crisis to benefit from the services of a licensed psychologist. Work with us in a coaching capacity to improve any area of performance in your life including athletic performance, business performance, musical performance, creative writing, relationship enhancement, household organization and cleanliness, managing multiple responsibilities, leading groups, or supervising others. Working with us in a coaching capacity does not require a mental health diagnosis or that a medical record be created. Talk with us more about enhancing your performance!

Because coaching is not mental health treatment, it is not subject to the same sorts of restraints that insurance companies often place on treatment. Coaching sessions can take place anywhere – our office, your office, your home, a picnic table in the park, or your favorite coffee shop. Coaching sessions also do not need to be in-person. We can talk over the phone, work via e-mail or live chat, using all media flexibly to accommodate your schedule. You can maintain your relationship with your coach while traveling for business or pleasure, while away at college, while temporarily relocated for your company, or after you’ve moved to another state permanently. Sessions can be as long or short as needed and as frequent or infrequent as you wish.

Coaching is not appropriate for serious mental health issues and is not currently offered for minors. Coaching is not a substitute for therapy, but rather, an enhancement service for those who do not currently need therapy.

Call 480-705-5007 to inquire about our Coaching Services

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